Workout stats:
WG pullups
4 x 8 bw
1 x 5 bw
1 x 3 bw
Went way light on these, but I did each set like a mating jackrabbit.
5 x 8 115lbs
Incln bench - palms in
5 x 8 65's
BB curlz
4 x 8 75lbs
1 x 5 75
1 x 3 75
Leg raises
5 x 8 bw (love these things)
Not bad. Sweating like crazy. Bryant has chocolate surge and I have raspberry. We decided to do a scoop of each. Tasted like chocolate raspberry sphincter. Week two starts tomorrow. I'll weigh tonight.
Stay strong, yo!
Mmmm... raspberry sphincter. Glad i finished my healthy delicious shake before i fetched that image in my now-scarred mind. And it's good to see you're not that much heavier than me on bench. Do those things tear yer shoulders up, or are you just gong super crazy light? Those things kill me.
depends on how you do'em. If you let your elbows flare out to the sides (which is the way most everyone does any kind of bench press) then your shoulders will always compensate when your chest fails. If you learn to tuck your elbows in to your sides, then your triceps take the load. It's kind of a powerlifting battle cry, "Elbows In!".
Takes a bit of practice, but it will save your shoulders.
i'll give that a whirl next week.
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