I thought this workout was a joke compared to Friday's. the overhead squats were a lot tougher than I expected. it quickly became obvious that those are a pure stability excersice. On my first rep my spinal erectors siezed up and I nearly dropped the bar on my head. Not to mention that my lats were completely fried from that V-challange (stangely enough) wich didn't aid in stabilizing anything.
Rev Grip rows: 5x5 145
overhead squats: 1x5 95, 3x5 65
dips: 1x5 45, 3x5 80
ab wheelies: 4x5 bw
Not exactly intense, but I guess it did the job.
Yeah, i didn't think this 'un wuz quite commensurate with the others. Fine by me though. i needed a rest, and it was a good stretch.
I'll second that one.. Im glad glenn was behind me or I mighta crowned m'self! haha
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