Friday, March 27, 2009

Baboon's Scrotum

Put in a pretty good session yesterday at noon. Once again I was a bit rushed because I had to go in a noon, but I got the job done.
Parallel box squats:
three working sets of five - 375, 425, 445
Despite my best efforts to not focus on my squats, they continue to get stronger. I had a few reps left in me on my last set.
Followed this up with four sets of ten front squats (heels elevated on a 2x4)
leg extensions
hamstring curls
side bends
Funny thing is, my obliques are the only sore part on me this morning.

once again, it's been beautiful all week and now that the weekend is here it's raining with a chance of snow. sposed to be bloody windy all weekend. Sheesh.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"The Oldest Brewery in North America"

Did a pretty good little workout yesterday. Started out with 2 board presses for three working sets of five reps:
295, 325, 345
It felt really heavy, but I blame that on me being really tired. Nevertheless, I finished the sets. My shoulders are starting to bug me some on bench presses, but I'm going to ignore as long as I can. Followed those up with some db bench, dips, db flys, and tricep pressdowns. There is a ton more volume in this cycle, but I've got to admit that I'm kind of enjoying it. It's kind of nice to feel sore again. Just hope my shoulders hold up.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Fiduciary Bag

Well, my quick trip to Canada was a pretty good time. The first night I got hammered at a pro hockey game along with 19,000 Canadian freaks. Then I went directly to an Irish pub with the director of sales and had thirty nightcaps. Woke up at 6am lying across my bed fully clothed and wearing an official Calgary Flames jersey. Then I actually had to go work. Fortunately we got the job wrapped up pretty quick so I headed out of the city to check out Banff. There was a glimmer of a hope that I'd get to make a couple o' turns on some fresh Canadian powder, but there just wasn't time. Nevertheless, I did make it to Banff and I gotta say those mountains are pretty darn amazing. They're just like these huge jagged rocks. Very nice. I didn't get to do much, but it was very nice to be back in the hills if even for just a couple hours.
So I get back to Calgary that night and decide to walk down to Chinatown and have some ethic chow chow. I ended up with some kind of kimchi stuffed cat. The stink that it (along with another 500 Molsons) produced the next morning would have knocked a vulture off a gut wagon. Seriously. I had to leave my hotel room. There can be nothing good in cabbage.
Overall, not a bad trip and Calgary is a really cool city. It would definitely be on the top of my short list of places I could hang my hat.
Hopefully I'm done travelling for a while so I feel like a can focus on my beach body now. Hooray!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

weekend updates

Bryant, Sandy, Bryant's mom, and Sandy's mom all headed out for Dallas today. Sandy is having her breast reduction operation in the morning sometime. She's pretty stressed about it. But mostly, pray for Bryant. He's spending three days in Dallas with three women.

Also, I get on a plane at 7:30am tomorrow to fly to Calgary. I'll be back late Sunday night. Please toss up some prayers for the saftey of my peeps while I'm out and about.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I think I broke my deltoid tuberosity, if that's possible. Ok, maybe not broken, but certainly pissed the general area off. Really enjoyed the training yesterday. It was fast, painful, and sweaty.
Incline bench press:
warm up
225 x 5
245 x 5
255 x 5 (This is where my shoulder told me to go #$%& myself)

Upright Rows x 1,000,000

DB millitary x 1,000,000

Rear Laterals x 2,000,000

DB curls x 1,000,000

Like I said, the volume has gone up a bit for the accessory stuff through this cycle. Very "pumpy" workout. I left feeling like I'd accomplished something (besides destroying my shoulder).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sweat'n to the oldies

So I spent about an hour yesterday writing out our next five week cycle. We'll be doing incline bench, parallel box squats, 2 board presses, and rack pulls for our main lifts. That will be a nice change of pace, but the big difference in this go around will be our accessory work. We're going to do a ton more volume. We'll focus less on the weight and more on getting through everything without throwing up. It's about to start getting hot in the garage and I'm ready to sweat out a winter's worth of bull-poo. Plus, that should put us right up to the start of our scheduled v-diet launch at which time I'll probably be forced to bring the volume back down a notch, so as not to die. It sucks big hairy balls that I wasn't able to ski this year, but I'm very positive going into the warmer months. This could be a great summer for training.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Workout and product review

did a solo workout at lunch today so we can get off to Amarillo early. Didn't really get through the whole workout, but I got what mattered.

Squats off parallel box:
bar x 10
135 x 8
225 x 6
275 x 5 (put on belt and wrist wraps)
315 x 5
375 x 5
425 x 3
475 x 1
505 x 1
The last time I squatted 505 I was in a squat suit and knee wraps. Last night I stayed till 1am, drank two bottles of wine and a highball of Crown with Crown. I don't know what that means, but I felt I should write it down for posterity.

I got the Biotest Metabolic drive in which means that they're shipping is very good. Suprisingly, it tastes really good. Not quite muscle milk, but for half the calories it's a heck of a lot better than Optimum's 100% Whey. It's nice and thick mixed with water so it gives one a pleasant full feeling, which I'm sure will be quite helpful on this diet.

Happy Friday.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

for the record

yesterday was bench day.
flat bp:
bar x 10
135 x 8
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 3
345 x 2

rack lockouts:
315 x 5
405 x 5
455 x 5

some pull-ups with varying grips

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

littler milestone

so yesterday was deadlift day. i was pretty much pissed at megan which didn't help (or maybe it did). anyhow, i wasn't too excited about it, but i definately needed to blow off some steam. the working sets were supposed to go something like 5x70%, 3x80, 1x90% which turned out to be 455lb for me. That went up like a dress after prom, so i decided to shoot for 505. the number that has eluded me for so long. i missed it. but, i pulled it up to my knees which means that i'm strong enough to get it. my mind wasn't in the right spot and i got distracted. bryant's wife was there for the first time. at the top of the lift i had a flash in my mind that she was seriously concerned that i was about to blow my heart out my nose. i dropped it before any such injury could occur. nevertheless, i'd never been able to get 500 off the ground before, so i was ok with that. i'll get it soon enough. the lift did actually destroy my back, but what's new.

so I was due to buy some new protien and decided to do some comparative research between my standby of muscle milk and the biotest stuff the V-diet is based on. At first glance the metabolic drive is more expensive, but then i noticed there is twice as many servings per container and fedex ground shipping is free if purchased through Also, they don't charge sales tax if shipped out of state. if purchased in bulk (4+) it's even cheaper. I ordered one to see how it holds up on the pallet. it's doubtful that it will taste better than muscle milk, but at half the calories, it will probably be worth it. the thought occured to me that you could just half the serving of muscle milk for the purpose of the diet and possibly save a very-little money, but then you wouldn't be getting as much protein per serving and the carbs would be a little jacked up. I also considered Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey. It's more comperable to the Biotest product, but the money savings were not there when you had to figure in shipping for that much protien. it's my conclusion that for the purposes of this diet, the supplied menu is the way to go. still a lot of quid though.