Wednesday, October 1, 2008

GVT sucks

OK. So I've had all I can stomach of the ol German volume training. I know that volume training has its place, but I hate it with such a passion I just can't keep it up more than two or three weeks at a time. Guess that's why I'll never be swole like the Terminator. It's time to get back to training like a man. A man with no intentions of wearing a thong on a stage, covered in baby oil and fake-tan, trying to pass off what would otherwise be conceived as a horrible bowel cramp for a natural smile. That being said, I started a three day a week circa-max cycle this week. I'm going to try to start posting my workouts more often so I can keep track of them and so you guys can know just how pathetically weak you are.

box squats 6 sets of 2 @ 70% (355)
rack pulls: worked up to 1RM (515)
Deep front squats: 5 sets of 10
Good mornings: I don't recall

Floor press: 1RM (355) got it on the second try.
4 board press: 3 sets of 3 @ 85% (315)
DB bench: 5 sets of 10 (85's)
DB rows: 4 sets of 10-15 (65's)

I finally got some average and strong bands to start training my squat and bench with. Hopfully I'll start seeing some upwards movement again.


c said...

Well don't burn out any finger tendons for my sake mate; i already have a deep appreciation for how weak i am. And i can say a long weekend in tx didn't do a dang thing for making me stronger. i did endure a lotta Skoal, a lotta Taco Casa, and nearly enough no sleep at all. So in a certain sense i broke me down.

R6Medic said...

I haven't claimed to be any stronger than the feign ability to pull my ass off the mattress in the morning... which is getting more difficult every passing day in this god forsaken house I live in. I have a mattress on the floor. No furniture in one piece. No food on which to chew. And a litter box full of land mines that smell of ammonia. Please come soon oh closing day of joy.

Pappa G said...

wow. You guys are grumpy.

c said...

Grumpy. Yes. It's from the hiatus from Skoal. But i did get a v3+ after a few tries yesterday, and i did all the moves on a v5. Just need to go back fresh and link it. But i definitely felt like i was lugging five lbs. of gut with me i didn't have last week. That's my biggest fear about this job, that i'm not gonna have any time to workout, and i'll just spend 6 mos. blimping out. i'll be needing "accountability partners" to keep from hitting the 300lb. mark. Soon i will be hard for G to bench.