Monday, August 4, 2008

Why I hate gun shows.

I've got just enough stupid red neck in my to love going to gun shows. Of course, I haven't been to one in a bout ten years. I suppose when you live in the entertainment dessert of the universe you do what you can to get by. It was a family outing believe it or not. I mentioned that we might try to find a gun for Meg to practice with to make her a bit more comfortable when I have to go out of town. So she buys herself a slick little snake charmer 410. I'm not sure what's happened to this woman. All of a sudden she's buying guns and bugging the hell of me to find her a tat artist. Anyhow, while we were there I traded in my Walther P22 for most of a Ruger Charger. Go here: and watch the video. Very fun little gun.

On another note, I got back in the gym this morning after nearly two weeks off. Nothing amazing to speak of, but it felt good to move and sweat again.

I think Sept 12 is my last day of school this quarter. I should be able to get everything in early which would make that the perfect weekend for a man trip.


R6Medic said...

You should never get rid of guns kid... ever. well, i guess it doesn't count for a .22 though. haha j/k. That looks like a sweet enough gun there.

Sept 12 sounds dope. The woman and I are gonna go to the beach the last week in august. should be dope. That way I'll be all tanned up for out man trip... I mean... pass me a beer, and lets finish this drywall...

c said...

ooo, that looks fun.