Wednesday, March 19, 2008

To Trudge

So. I went for a walk this morning. How gay is that? Oh well. I suppose something is better than nothing. The guys are getting more serious about their whining. It's gone from joking about the pain to a lot of flinching and cursing. They simply can't understand why I'm enjoying this.
Anyhow, I've managed to do something evil to my back again. Didn't do it in the gym this time. I think it is from sleeping on our big fluffy pillow top mattress every night. I sleep in a hole slightly smaller than I am. I think this has begun to slowly destroy me. I've quit trying to sleep and I pretty much feel like I've got a knife sticking out the left side of my back all the time now. I'm going shopping for a new mattress today, but that's a rape waiting to happen. I don't know what to do, but my back is getting worse daily. I took 800 of ibuprofen an hour ago. May as well of eaten four Lifesavers for all the good its done. Any suggestions?


c said...

umm.. traction? You probably didn't tear anything from sleeping wrong, so you ought'a be able to stretch that one out. Hang from a bar for a while. Don't think i'd do anything that compresses the discs 'till it's better though. i'll give you a shout tonight.

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c said...

And a hug to you too, senor.