Tuesday, October 16, 2007


ME Deadlifts
Worked up to 3x2 w/405lbs
I used a regular stance, which I'm very uncomfortable with. But I believe it will help me learn to tighten up more as I lift.

I wanted to squat today, but there was a monkey in the squat wrack doing doing millitary presses for nearly an hour.

Instead I did some speed pulls (deadlifts) with a sumo stance. Did some hamstring curlz, back raises, and ab work. I'm really in a bind right now with my squat work. The wrack is so cheap that the pin holes are about 6 inches apart. On one setting I have to do a quarter squat to unwrack. On the next one up I have to tip-toe the bar out. It's no big deal with three or four hundred pounds, but the more I push 500lbs plus, I'm starting to worry about getting injured just trying to move the bar in and out. Not to mention no one really wants to spot me. I think I'm really going to focus on getting my deads up over 500 this year. I may do some push pull comps and squat when I can.

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