Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Speed bench.

Did more triceps work today than usual, but it felt good. The rest of the time spent was fairly intense but kind of boring. I'm still disappointed I wont make the 'Slap-n-Scream' bouldering comp in Albq.


worked up to 2 doubles with 405 and then two singles with 415. No records being broken yet, but neither is my back. I'm happy with the progress.
Meg bought be some converse allstars (Chuck Taylors) last weekend. It really is amazing how much easier it is to squat if you're not standing on squishy foam rubber. Go figure.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Back from a refreshing trip.

Just got back from a trip to our office in Denver. Pretty much worked the whole time I was there, but did get to see Shawn and his clan. Very good to see those guys. Very good to see mountains as well. There was even some snow up there as an added bonus.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Nice and cold today. That's a refreshing change. It hit 90 yesterday and was 45 by nightfall. Gotta love West Texas. Or don't.

ME Squats
Worked up to a double w/405. Didn't hurt myself. That's good.

Leg press - got talked into these
Romanian Deads
Cable curls
Back Raises
Ab Wheel - I love that gay little thingy
Incline Situps

Good session. I felt rested and strong.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday Libations

American Heritage Dictionary - li·ba·tion (lī-bā'shən) Pronunciation Key n.
The pouring of a liquid offering as a religious ritual.

130 pull-ups and 4 beers in 59 minutes.

I like this workout.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


ME Deadlifts
Worked up to 3x2 w/405lbs
I used a regular stance, which I'm very uncomfortable with. But I believe it will help me learn to tighten up more as I lift.

I wanted to squat today, but there was a monkey in the squat wrack doing doing millitary presses for nearly an hour.

Instead I did some speed pulls (deadlifts) with a sumo stance. Did some hamstring curlz, back raises, and ab work. I'm really in a bind right now with my squat work. The wrack is so cheap that the pin holes are about 6 inches apart. On one setting I have to do a quarter squat to unwrack. On the next one up I have to tip-toe the bar out. It's no big deal with three or four hundred pounds, but the more I push 500lbs plus, I'm starting to worry about getting injured just trying to move the bar in and out. Not to mention no one really wants to spot me. I think I'm really going to focus on getting my deads up over 500 this year. I may do some push pull comps and squat when I can.

Friday, October 5, 2007

ME bench

Worked up to 325 for 3 singles raw. Would've liked more but didn't feel t00 bad. That's just ten pounds less than my best competition bench in a shirt.

Rack Lock-outs
3 x 5 @ 315
1 x 3 @ 365 (felt that)

Front delt raises
45lb plate. 4 x 10
I liked using the plate here. Its a different movement than DBs. I was sweating when I got done with these and got some good grip work to boot.

body weight. 4 x 10

Overall good session.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


ME Squats

Worked up to three singles with 405. I'm not used to being under heavy-ish weight. The squats weren't so hard, but it felt heavy.

Romanian Deadlifts:
4x12 @ 225lb

90 degree back raises:
4 x 15 with 45lb plate.

Ab Wheel: 4 x 15

I was tired by the time I got done. Good workout but my squats have gone down the crapper.

Monday, October 1, 2007

DE Bench

Bench: 8x3 @ 55% - 185lbs

JM presses: 4 x 12

DB Side Raises: 4 x 10

Pull-ups: 4 x 12

Definately a lot less volume in this one. Still a good workout, though.