Friday, July 27, 2012


To start this week off I got a new PR squat at 525lbs.  That's good.  Tuesday I benched 355 which I haven't pulled off in several moons.  This is also good.  Wed I got in a 30 min run. Thursday I slept 8 hours. This morning I decided to go for a single deadlift sumo style.  Got 455 and was happy enough since I haven't pulled sumo in roughly 50 years.  Altogether not a bad week of it.  Tough mudder is the first weekend in Oct and I'd like to be at 200lbs BW by then.  That's a lot to drop in two month, but I figure I've got nothing better to do.  How hard could it really be after all?

Friday, July 13, 2012


I've been working out pretty faithfully this week. I'm not posting it all because it's boring and I don't feel like it.  I will say that I've gone back to four days in the gym per week which I've pretty much managed this week, plus one day of cardio so far.  I haven't got back to running just yet, although I did sign up for the Austin Tough Mudder on Oct 6th.  So I guess I'll have to get my butt back out on the road here pretty soon.  Also, I purchased a 100lbs punching bag for a change up to the cardio scene.  I've gotta say that spinting five miles would be easier than pounding on that bag for three minutes.  Who knew it could suck that bad or that I'm in this bad of shape.  The first time I tried for a three minute interval, I had to go out the door after 2 min and wretch for a bit.  Good stuff.  Oh, and I get to go back to houston for three days next week!  I'm pumped.  Maybe I can hit Metroflex for a session.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday AM

Bar x 15
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1
500 x 1
510 x 1
405 x 10

Bunch of lunges and box step-ups with 70lbs.  Some planks.