Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Back again. Sort of.

After a week and a half outta the gym, I finally drug my arse out last eve for a sesion.  It was good and I sweated out some real live demons.  Then I went in and took a shot of hydrotusin and went to bed.  And stared at the ceiling till 4am.  But at least I got to witness some cool thunderstorms.
I'm starting my last cycle over.  Last night I did incline bench.  240 x 5, 255 x 5, 270 x 5.  The last set nearly squished me, but I locked out 5.  Then I did some militaries 5x5 with 155 and some pretty heavy side raises, then nearly passed out. I've been fighting some kind of pneumonia/flu thing for several days and it's really starting to get annoying.  I'm definitely in the mood to get in shape though.  The sweating season is upon us!  Oh, and I put my speed-play pedals on my mountain bike.  I'm stealing a saddle from my father-in-law this afternoon.  Hopefully, I can start putting some mileage on that thing.

1 comment:

c said...

Last week i did shoulders and bench on the same day and it made for a memorable, meaty workout. Sometime between then and now i jacked up my shoulder, but i can't properly say it was because of the workout. i do think i needed to take it a bit easier than i did in the aftermath. But i could imagine making some gains in the pusher department with that sort of workout. But i might switch to inclines for the coming cycle. Seems like a good idea. And nice workout. Sounds painful (as usual).

i went mt. bikin' with the bro in law on tues. i realized a couple o' things: 1) i am in some crazy bad shape, and 2) i loves me some cycling. i gotta get me a mt. bike when i get a paycheck. That's a fine time. But i'm super glad to hear you're gonna put some mileage on that thing. we're gonna hafta do some rides in the near future.