Friday, December 16, 2011


Deadlifts: 385 x 5, 405 x 5, 435 x 5
GoodMornings: 135 x 10 x 5
AbRollerThingys: 5 sets of 10

It's amazing how sore I've been getting from some really short workouts.  I suppose you really do get out of a workout what you put into it.  Nah, that can't be true.  I put in flesh from my shins and hands, blood, sweat, chalk, and snot.  All I got out of it was a limp and residual pain in my entire posterior chain.  Bit of a gross recipe if you think about it.  I wonder if you could boil into a hot drink for a cold winter night.  Possibly for the Holidays.  Yak-nogg!  The new holiday tradition!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Encouraged after listening to Spoken last night, I pulled off a late night workout.  Also, I really didn't want to get up early this morning.  I figured it would be a loss of sleep either way, so I chose to do it when I still had some calories on board.  Last night was my first workout (5/5/5) with incline bench.  It was kind of trippy cuz I didn't know what to expect.  It's such a different creature than flat bench or standing presses and I've never really done heavy inclines.  So they went: 240 x 5, 255 x 5, 270 x 5.  The last set was hard.  Well, the first set was hard.  The last set sucked asphalt.  After regaining sight in both eyes, I cleaned the bar to 135 and did four sets of ten supersetted with standing log presses.  My triceps and shoulders were weeping on the inside.  I, however, was crying like a blithering idiot.  I wasn't expecting this kind of triceps torture from this workout.  Hopefully, there will be some really good carry over to my flat bench.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Good Morning

I'm going to take a break from overhead pressing for a cycle.  I just finished up the first positive 5/3/1 cycle I've had in many moon and I would like to keep that momentum going, but I've decided to do incline bench rather than standing presses for this go.  The theory is that I can handle more weight on this lift and that should give me more bar control when I go back to pressing overhead.  So this morning I opted to get a 1RM on incline bench rather than some deload workout.  To my surprise, I squeeged out 315 for a single.  I was pretty happy with that.  I've never been able to press over 300 on a steep incline bench. Course, I haven't spend a great deal of time trying either. This should be a fun and productive cycle.  I feel like I'm pretty solid on all my lifts right now and hopefully I'll see some gains this go around that I haven't accomplished in a while.  Happy Thursday everyone.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Snow Miser

21 degrees in the gym this morning.  Took a bit of effort and a lot of coffee to get warm.
Squats: 5 x 375, 3 x 425, 2 x 475, 20 x 315
I might could of sqenched out another with 475 but I hadn't eaten yet and the second one juiced me pretty bad.  Would have been a total gamble that I was too cold to make.  Was warm (and dizzy) after the last set.
One leg squats: BW x 10 x 4
Sidebends: 65lbs x 10 x 4
Then  I nearly busted my arse walking across the lake of ice that was once my driveway.  It's an interesting feeling slipping around on ice when you have absolutely no strength left in the lower quadrant.
Let's see....Oh, I did bench on Saturday.  That went 270 x 5, 310 x 3, and 345 for an easy single.  Should've pushed out at least one more, but I was in a hurry to get to Abilene to see the new Twilgiht movie.  Well, OK.  Meg was in a hurry to see it for her birthday, and we were getting rid of the kids for the night, and I got a belt sander outta the deal for an early Christmas present.  Yay!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Three Dead Trolls In A Handbag

I made a little headway with my deadlifts last night.  Or, at least I was able to move some weight off the ground.  A task which has been eluding me the last couple of months.  This was the 5/3/1 portion of the cycle.
DL: 375 x 5, 425 x 3, 475 x 3
Then I did a bunch of bent over rows and heavy band pull-thrus.  My grip was shot and my low back was no longer supporting my torso.  Mission accomplished and stuff.  I was going to run this morning.  But I didn't.