Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fried Turkey increases shoulder strength

Monday was overhead press day.  I wasn't feeling especially good about lifting, but I knew running was out of the question and I was in desperate need of some kind of detox.  Presses went like this:

200 x 5
210 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1 (new pr)
The twenty pound pr was a big surprise.  In fact, I threw the weight on as more of mental game to keep my mind from becoming afraid of supra max weight.  I was actually caught off gaurd that it went, and then terrified to realize that my core supporters were rapidly turning into jello jigglers.  It just goes to show that several consecutive days of gluttony can be beneficial.  And that I need to do more ab work.


c said...

That's a big pr. Strong work.

R6Medic said...

thats gnarly dude! my next project is to prove that gluttony in addition to laziness actually improves strength in addition to technique!