Friday, August 12, 2011


Not a bad week of it so far.  First week on the new programming.  Monday was bench press.  it consisted of 5 sets of 10 reps with 215lbs followed up with 4 sets of 12 incline db bench with, I think, 65lbs DBs.  Then I supersetted a bunch of dips and pushups until my eyes and ears were bleeding.  It was a nice change of pace, but not real exciting.  However, it put a serious hurtin on my taa-taas.  Wed was ridiculously hot and I got an impromtu invite to drink a few beers after work.  Beers cold.  Gym hot.  I went with the cold.  We made it up yesterday and I was punished.
5 x 385
5 x 400
5 x 425

Rack pulls:
315 x 8
405 x 5
455 x 5 x 5

Speed pulls (from the ground)
255 x 3 x 3

It wasn't like I was out of breath and all sweaty kind of tired.  It was like my CNS was so fatigued that it went on holiday the rest of the evening.  I couldn't walk a straight line to save my life.  It was pretty awesome and quite satisfying.  Surprisingly, the heavy squats really didn't affect my ability to pull heavy at all.  In fact, I think it had a positive effect.  I was completely warmed up and loose by the time I started pulling so I was able to jump right in with 315.  Good stuff.  Now on to the Albuquerque road-trip!!


Chase said...

It was the same way with me on my program when I would squat and deadlift on the same day. By the time I got to deads I just felt really warmed up. Hope you guys are having lots of fun in NM...

c said...

Nice. And i'm glad we got to do some liftin' here. Kinda inspiring to have another motivated soul to lift with. You oughta find you a job here. i'd lift with you real regular.