It's cold in Houston. Might actually freeze tonight. Indeed, hell might just freeze over. I wanted to post a quick recap of last week. Nothing mind blowing, but I got it done. Sux that this week will be a wash, but I'm sure I'll recover somehow.
Incline Bench:
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5 these punked me. Haven't done them in forever and I forget how long the range of motion is. Even with relatively light weight, they're exhausting. I like this exercise for an alternative to anything directly overhead, but too much will definitely lead to injury. Interestingly, I get more pain in my lumbar spine from these than anything else. Makes sense, I suppose. I'm so used to arching for a flat bench I unconsciously do the same for this exercise. Not so good, I think.
Rack pulls:
I'm not sure what my single is for this lift, but I didn't have time to test it. Based on a 525 pull from the floor, I upped my rack pull from about three inches below my patella to 550 for the purpose of calculating this cycle.
415 x 5
440 x 5
470 x 5 This hurt my soul, but I didn't break anything structural, which was a pleasant surprise.
Floor press:
270 x 5
290 x 5
310 x 5 Again, this is a deceptive exercise. You would think the shorter range of motion would allow for more weight to be lifted. I suppose this may be the case if your flat bench sucks in general, but if you're used to using your legs as an integral part of the bench press, you quickly realize how worthless they are while lying on the ground. Then you lose your chest because of that short range of motion. You have no momentum going into the lockout. It is completely a triceps and forearm fragger. (I include forearms because bar control is extremely important here. If you get in a hurry, you'll shatter those little bones holding your forearms erect). And it works.
Haven't gotten to the high box squats yet. Guess I'll fire it back up the end of this week. Assuming I can get home. I'm becoming afraid the airports in west Texas are going to be shut down for a few days.
Oh, and a HUGE PRAISE TO GOD. It's looking like we may have a renter and buyer for our rent house. Please pray this deal works out.
Cheers, y'all.
Nice week there G-Dog. I'm sitting here sore as HELL today. I don't know what got into me, maybe the weather, but I hit it hard last night. Maybe it's boredom, but I haven't really been that bored. I'm actually enjoying the pump from this light weight. Last night I hit it with much ferocity. I attacked it like a wild peacock...
I'm glad to hear about the house. I've been trying to remember that in my prayers lately, so I'll keep that going. I hope it sells for you bro.
Preciate man.
Watched "the other guys" last night. Good flick. I'd watch the whole thing again just to see the credits
Gotta let the peacock fly. Just don't go chasin' waterfalls. That movie was so much better than i thought it would be. Me duggy.
Super fine to hear about the house. i'll pray about that. i do hope that works out.
And kudos on 470 x 5 on RLs. That hurts me to think about.
that is gnarly about the house! Im super pumped naka. Im washing this week as well due to the sub freezing tempatures and the fact that I have no running water, and I prefer a sane wife rather than strength at this point in time. It doesn sucketh that its barely feb and I have wrecked all three new years resolutions... but oh well.. no biggie
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