Monday, August 30, 2010

30 second update

quick update here just to keep myself going through the motions. My workouts have been good but sporadic lately. Never know what my schedule is going to be from day to day so I'm just forcing myself to throw in gym sessions whenever I can. Here's a very brief outline of what I can remember:

standing millitary press:
worked to a set of 4 with 180lbs
5 x 10 x 105lbs

Low box squats:
managed six with 410lbs
5 x 10 x 240lbs

3 x 405, 3 x 430, 3 x 450
5 x 10 x 255lbs

And to uphold our claim as PARENTS OF THE DECADE, we managed to allow Kellan to roll off our bed yesterday. That makes one plunge from the bed for each of our children. The funny thing is, they seem to be getting tougher as they go. Kellan cried vigoursly for a minute then slapped me in the face and giggled about it. It's a blessing the cute little blob wasn't hurt, but he appears to be as bouncy as his brothers.


R6Medic said...

hahaha... thats a good one. I waiting to see what my offspring will pull off of the stove or jam into a socket unknowingly... I at last understand where all the damn gray hair comes from.

Just today, a friend informed me her nephew took a ride with the family cat, out a second story window 20 ft into the bushes waiting calmly below. Breaking a humerous and wrist out of the ordeal and earning an 11 blade and plaster of paris, no stay in the hospital. Its true children did come from some wierd vulcanization of rubber and human flesh...

c said...

Rad. i don't know if it scares me more that my litt'luns might succumb to gravity, or that they might grow up having never taken a proper fall. i'm sure i'd rather have a wussy chicken than a quadriplegic...but that's a hard one. i'd have to think about it.