Thursday, September 9, 2010


Jacked my knee in a bad way last week doing deadlifts so I didn't have a whole lot to post. I eeked through a bench workout with my knee wrapped simply becaused I hadn't done any bench press in about three weeks. Skipped the squats last week. Weird injury. It was like three days of nausiating pain right around the insertion point of my patellar tendon on the tibia. The inflammation spread through my knee into my hamstring. A friend with a broken foot gave me a couple hydro's with ibuprofen so I could sleep through the night. Then I woke up on Friday and the pain was gone. Completely. Weird. Oh well. This week has been far more productive.

5 x 380
3 x 430
3 x 480 I think I had another one or two in me, but it was extremely humid and I pulled the third one on my fingertips.

5 x 10 good mornings, 3 x 10 hamstring curls, weighted situps

flat bench
5 x 275
3 x 315
2 x 350 I was ok with this. Stonger than I expected to be.

3 x 10 reverse grip bench. Eff'ed my shoulder. Don't ever do these for any reason other than injuring yourself.

Pin presses
10 x 315
1 x 405

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