Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A formal apology

Sorry bout the tunes that were playing in that last video. I didn't realize that Serj was cursing through the loud speakers there. I own very few songs screaming that kind of profanity. My kids frequent my gym these days so I'm typically pretty careful. this was one of those rare days that I was completely solo and doing stoopid poo all round. What can I say. Tankian has a lot of energy and I leech off that stuff.
Well, I'm back in Houston. Yay. Pray for my liver.
I ran twenty minutes yesterday. Planning to go to the coast and run this afternoon. I'd go to a climb gym here, but I'm busted and running is mostly free. Cheers, ya'll!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why Strong Abs are important to Bench

I decided to do my 3x3 session for bench today. On my final set of three with 325lbs. I chose to go for 8. Yeah, that left a mark. F' it. I only know one way to get stronger. Push harder than you think you can. I'm off to Houston. Peace out.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The weak in review

Not a bad week of it. Tuesday I ran for a half hour in the morning. It was really more like a solid trot, or perhaps a canter than a run; nevertheless, I jiggled consistently down the road for .5 hours. Tuesday after noon was the squattathon. Three sets of five working up to 425 I think and then five sets of 10 with 240ish. I hadn't expected the run to wear my legs out like it did, but it did. Wed was millitaries. three sets of three working up to 170. I think I got six with 170 which I'm quite pleased and pleasantly surprised about. This morning was deadlifts. Three of three. Worked up to 450 for three. I ate too big of a breakfast as I was having the same air in the chest problem that my dear brother was having recently. and it was hot and humid and I was sweating a waterfall. the chalk wouldn't even stick to my hands. Another five sets of ten deads with 245 was miserable but noticeably easier than last week. All in all the program is progressing nicely. Slow and steady, but I'm hitting all my number and getting healthier. I'm leaving on Monday for Houston. Everyone knows how much I love these meetings, so pray for my sanity and my families safety. Cheers, yo!

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Cycles Suck

An extra fifty reps of millitary press sucked. An extra fifty reps of deadlift was just humbling. It goes beyond suckage to a point of pure respect for life.

Here's how it went

375 x 5
400 x 5
425 x 5
250 x 10 (this sucked)
250 x 10 (this sucked worse)
250 x 10 (seeing black)
250 x 10 (numb)
250 x 10 (glad to be alive)

Leg lifts: 3 sets of 10

At least I felt like I'd accomplished somthing. Actually I just felt like I'd survived something. But hey, something that terrible has to be good for me, right?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Cycle

Made it through another full 5/3/1 cycle with some gains I believe. Started a new one yesterday. Chase is pretty committed for the moment, but he hasn't done a lot of heavy lifting. That's not to say that he's weak, just that his form sucks and the supporting muscles through the four main lifts are out of balance. So for this go around, we're going to use a version of the 5/3/1 template called the "Big But Boring" (BBB). It's pretty simple but I think it will be killer effective. You do your normal sets and reps with the primary lift of the day. Then you drop the weight to 50% and 5 sets of ten with it. That's an extra 50 reps a day with the primary movement. I'm going to be very strict with form, but it should build muscle memory (and pain tolerance) like mad. Not to mention, it will be a fun way to bulk up a bit. We did this yesterday with standing military presses. It was righteous suckiness. I could barely put the bar clamps back on the top of the rack when we were done. Haven't done anything that pumpy in a long time. But my shoulders looked awesome! We finished up with three sets of pull ups to failure. This turned out to be a bad idea as my shoulders were so weak they felt like they were going to dislocate. Think I'll follow up with some ab work instead next time. That's all of I've got for now. Had an amazing weekend. Glad your clan could come down.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


270 x 5
305 x 3
340 x 5

DB inclines:
85 x 12 x 3

weighted situps.

Picked up the new "As I Lay Dying" album yesterday. Good stuff.


we live in slavery to a past we cannot escape
and i say it's worth it to just start again
we've focused so long on ideals of freedom
that it is this very belief that oppresses us

we all want to be free yet we find ways to forfeit liberty
to our own impulses, to our own consumption
so i say it's worth it to build a new foundation

... a new foundation

it's a past we cannot escape
this vacancy will take everything this world can offer
but what is control once we have let go of all we suffer?

... once we've let go

when we've awakened to admit we are all enslaved
then there is freedom in our choice to disobey
our creeds have become a justification to live the way that
some see fit

and no one is more hopeless than those blinded by the scales
of content

this vacancy will take everything this world can offer
but what is control once we have let go of all we suffer?