Thursday, April 1, 2010

"It Feels Like Satan Is Licking My Brain!"

Scott Adams is the bomb.

Ok. I'm gonna workout today. It's gonna happen. BECAUSE I'VE GOT TO, MISTER! Sure it's a three day weekend and I've potentially got a million other things to do. but I'm going to workout this day. this day. Hey, did I mention that my legs are in constant torment since my last workout. Pain. I'm walking around with the gait of a man wearing a pine tree up my tailpipe. Rediculous, I say.

1 comment:

c said...

i didn't ask on the phone: D'you getyer workout in, then? Had a very fine one at the comp. Not a bad day of it. Haven't been that broke down in a while-e-o. Anyhow, i'm rootin' for you. The pain is temporary.