I did indeed get my workout in on Friday. I didn't lift as I was real short on time, but I pulled a 90lb sled for a half mile. Took about 8 minutes per lap so in just under 20 min I was a hot sweaty heavy breathing train wreck. Not bad.
Yesterday, I did some military press. Worked up to 155 x 5. Not too taxing, but a good effort. Then I did some dips and some dumbbell rows. Drug the sled with 80lbs around the track once. I've discovered that in this season of my life, I'm gonna have to design my workouts like a drive buy shooting to get them done. I used a variant of the 5-3-1 program about a year ago that worked well for me, so I'll use that template again for a while. Basically, you've got one of your main lifts (squat, deads, bench, military) each workout day and two supplementary exercises. Three exercises and your out. Hard, heavy, and fast. should be able to get through most sessions in around 30 mins. I am going to try and implement more cardio as time permits. The sled works well because its right out my gym door and ready to go. And running just sucks.
Schweet. i'm glad to hear you haven't gone toes up. i did a drive-by workout m'self yesterday. i feel yer pain. i considered it part of my workout to use a li'l birthday cash to order a new hangboard and a set of holds. Spending money on toys gets me all sweaty.
And i think you mean running rocks!
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