Thursday, February 25, 2010

You inspire me.

So this morning I crawled outta bed all ispired to get my sweat on. Drug me sled around the track once. there was no frost or snow this morning to reduce the friction so I actually had to work at it. Turned out to be a great warmup. By the time I made it back around to my gym I had decided that lifting heavy would be easier than towing that beast around again. and besides, I was getting really tired of all the breathing. I went in with now limited time and decided to pull heavy. I set the pins up just below my knees and ended up pulling just over 545 for a single and new pr. I think I'm going to work that weight down the pin heights until I can pull it off the ground. That's about all I accomplished this morning, but I'm feeling it now. I'm starting to get used to getting up in the mornings again. I'd forgotten how much I love working out hard first thing in the AM. It always seems to make for an easy day when you challenge yourself at the start. Cheers.

Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Friday, again.

So, I haven't been completely unhealthy this week. I did some bench on Monday. Fortunately, I can still bench over 300 but I'm not really sure how. The rest of the week I lifted nothing. I've been getting up every morning and pulling the sled around the dirt track we made in the pasture. It's about a quarter mile, half up-hill and half down. Goodly little workout there. Then did some box jumps. I've jogged a couple times in there. I'm gonna try to get some squat action in tonight. I don't know if its the olympics or the upcoming ski trip with out youth group, but I'm really motivated to get my self in shape. I'm puting my strength gain ambitions on hold for a bit. I'm just going to try and keep what I've got. I'm tired of being out of breath after tying my shoes so thinks it's time to start working out me little lungs.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You had me at "Carcass".

Yet again, I'm getting less healthy in Houston. Although, I've done much better this trip than in the past. I've tried to eat healthier for sure. Fore example, last night I had Pulpo en Salsa Diablo rather than a fat cheeseburger. the night before I had Indian. Probably not that healthy in the quantity that I consumed, but it was a shot at well being none the less. Most of west texas is supposed to be a block of ice by tomorrow morning and I should be leaving now to beat it home. Alas, the shit bricks that employ me have to decided to not decide whether they want me to stay or not. And so here I sit whilst they conduct their business behind closed doors. I will punish them by posting an unnecessarily long blog while they continue to pay me for unrendered services. Brutal, I know. I'm finally recovering from the flag football game I played on Sunday. didn't even think about working out on Monday. Yesterday I considered it, but the thought of going to the little gaygym in the hotel and trying to create useful motions made me want to vomit. So I tried out a bodyweight tabata workout in the room. Wow. Four minute workout and I wanted to throw up and cry. Anyhow, after I recovered I went to a restaurant that served Octopus. After sitting there while and sipping on a cold BudLight (mmmm) I realized that that I was in fact the only Caucasian in the place, and it was big place. Guess that explains why the menu had English subtitles. The spicy invertebrate made me thirsty so, of course, I had to stop at the Booze Barn for a bottle of Svedka. Spent the next few hours on the phone and then fell asleep playing Bubbletown. Here's to another wonderful excursion to H-Town. May there be many more as awesome as this one!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Had a pretty good go in the gym yesterday. Worked out solo, which is nice occasionally. It always give me a chance to step back and evaluate my form. Not to mention, I usually punish myself far worse when I'm alone because there is no one there to see me fail.

Bench: 295 x 3, 315 x 3, 330 x 5

Floor presses: 225 x 10, 245 x 10 x 2

Supersetted 3 sets of 20 pushups with 3 sets of 12 DB incline bench. Kept the db's light at 40lbs but tried to focus on moving them as quick as possible through the concentric portion of the lift.

My ta-ta's were fried after this.

Finished up with some skull crushers lying on the floor. I've been doing most exercises that would be done lying on a bench on the floor. It gives your shoulders a wider platform to stabilize on and it allows for less "body" motion which means you can't cheat and there's less change of getting off balance and hurting yourself. It also limits the range of motion in your shoulders. This is generally a good thing when working with dumbbells. Try doing DB flys lying on the ground. You can do more weight with your chest because your shoulders don't get jacked.