Saturday, August 29, 2009
Two Board Press:
305 x 5
325 x 5
345 x 8
Close Grip Bench Press:
135 x 10
155 x 10
205 x 10
245 x 10
dips :BW to failure for three sets
DB flys: something x 10ish for 3 sets
Triceps pressdowns: heavyish x 20 for 2 sets
Felt like the ol tris were gonna explode.
Saturday AM
Decided to workout at home this morning. Turned out to be a good call.
200' sled drags with harness
285lbs There is no full and total leg burn like this. its crippling.
One lap around the yard with the slosh pipe.
75' hand over hand sled pulls (standing)
5 sets with 195lbs
This workout was a blast, but I'm starting to get muscle spasms all over the place. Tomorrow is my off day, and then it starts over again on Monday.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday Nooner
A2)Hamstring curls: ~130lbs x 6 for five sets
I slobbered a great deal through this and I didn't stop sweating for about four hours.
My short term memory is starting to depart from me. I'm not sleeping well because my shoulders hurt and when I do sleep it never seems to be enough. I've been falling asleep at work the last couple of days. Fortunately, I don't actually do anything.
Gotta go bench press in about half an hour.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Aberration: Chapter 2
I just couldn't drag myself out of bed Wed morning. I went to sleep early enough, but when 5 came around I wasn't done snoozing. So I went in at noon.
Wed Nooner:
A1) Sumo deadlifts (sans belt):225 for five sets of six
A2)Hamstring curlz: heavy-ish for five sets of six
B1) Wide grip pullups: BW for five sets of six
B2)Dips: BW for five sets of six
Wed afternooner:
380 x 5
405 x 5
430 x 5 I hadn't really considered that the extra work would be destroying my grip strength. On the third rep of my last set I felt my palm ripping just at lockout. By the time I got it down there was just a huge hunk of flesh hanging on below my ring finger. So I did what anyone one do in that situation. I ganked off the piece of meat, threw a bar wrap on my right hand knocked out the last two reps in the set.
I manged to find some gauze and electrical tape to make a pad to finish out the session.
Upright rows: 4 sets of 10
BB shrugs: 4 sets of 10
Band pull-thrus: Didn't do these. Had nothing left for them.
weighted situps: a bunch.
Thurs: got up early, but it was tough. I'm really sleepy today, but I'm not nearly as sore as I should be. I think the extra protein and aminos are paying off.
A1)Front squats (Deep knee bend, no belt): 115lbs x 6 x 5 sets. It was light, but effective.
A2)Glute Ham Raises: BW for 5 sets of 6
B1)CG pullups: BW for 5 sets of 6
B2)Alternating DB bench: 65lbs for 5 sets of 6 (never done these before due to the gayness. Turns out they're brutal and keep you under tension for roughly twice the time as a normal set of db bench.)
Glad there's no workout this afternoon. I'm very tired. And hungry. think I'll eat now.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Aberration: Chapter 1
Back squats:
warm up
A1) Back squats - 315 x 6 x 5
A2) Ham curls - heavy bowflex x 6 x 5
B1)Wide grip Pullups - BW x 6 x 5
B2) Dips - BW x 6 x 5
Really tried to focus on form this morning. Kept the muscles under tension as long as possible. Turned out to be fairly brutal. Still hot before the sun rises here.
Monday #2: Got to the gym around 5:15pm. Bryant and Chase joined in the fun.
Incline Bench:
warm up
240 x 5
255 x 5
270 x 7
DB lateral raises:
45 x 6 x 4
DB front raises:
25 x 12 x 4
Reverse BB curls:
65 x 8 x 4
DB curls (standing)
30 x 12 x 4
Tuesday: Got up at 5:15am. Went to the gym.
A1) Front Squats (no belt, deep ROM)
115 x 6
165 x 6 x 4
A2) Natural Glute Ham Raises
5 sets of Six
B1)CG chin ups
BW x 6 x 5
B2) DB Floor Presses
65 x 8 x 5
No workout this afternoon. I'm tired but I feel good. It's gonna take a few days to get used to getting up early again. My left elbow is starting to act up again but nothing serious yet.
Weight as of this morning: 216lbs
Supplements being used:
Biotest Grow! whey protein
Curcumin 500 (I'm becoming addicted to this stuff. Actually works really well for me)
Alpha GPC ( I was skeptical about this one. been using it for around a month and haven't missed a lift since I started. Just seems like there's always a little left in the tank to push with.)
Surge workout drink (this crap just makes me happy.)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
time to reboot the system
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Going to a presidentail rally with an AK on my back!
So! We're doing two board presses instead of full bech presses on this cylce. Decided to test them yesterday for a single to get our precentages for the rest of the workouts. To my utter delight, I manged a clean 405. Four more inches of travel and I'll claim a 400lb bench press. I'm pretty excited about that.
The rest of the session went like this:
Close grip bench:
135 x 10
185 x 10
205 x 10
225 x 10
BW x 3 x failure
DB flys (on floor)
35 x 10
45 x 10 x 2
50 x 10
doing these on the floor destroyed my chest and saved my shoulders. Good mojo.
Tricep pressdowns: 2 sets of 20. medium/light weight.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Hangover
Bryant pulled a clean 335 and just missed 350.
Chase got a new record with 315.
Monday, August 3, 2009
270 x 5
320 x 3
340 x 1
365 x 1 (Finally got this back up. Can start working on 375 and upwards to 400)
Dumbell Floor Press
65lbs x 12-15 x 4 sets
Weighted dips:
90lbs x 5-6 x 3 sets
DB Flys
40lbs x 12 x 3
Tricep pushdowns
light bowflex weight for one set, 38 reps.
400 12oz can lifts.