Friday, January 9, 2009


Good luck at the comp today!
Good luck at he wedding rehersal today! I wish I could be there and be sober at the same time, but I really don't think that's an option for me. Oh sure! I'm facing my giants head on and making some excellent progress. In fact, I've lost eight pounds in three weeks and my need for liquid carb loading is shrinking daily. But, com on, every man has his breaking point. You have to be there and be sober. Technically, all I have to do is show up. Right?

PS - scored me a 600lb forklift tire today! Strange what I get really excited about these days.


c said...

crazy. eight lbs... not bad. i resolved tonight at the comp to lose 120lbs. over the next year. i realize the prognosis is bleak, and it'd require probably metastatic cancer and a diet of just grapefruits, but i just know i'd have a better strength-to-weight ratio. Maybe if i got a 600lb. tire to train with... Hmmm.

Pappa G said...

try hydrochlorothiazide and rum. dropped five lbs in one night.

c said...

ha. Good ol' HCTZ. i think i'll stick with the grapefruit and cancer.