Monday, December 22, 2008

frick'n freezing

As I'm trudging down the boring road of existence, it occurred to me that I haven't been blogging like a good little blogger because I have nothing in my life interesting enough to actually write down. The irony is that I have so little going on in my life/job at this moment that I actually have the time to write about having nothing to write about. I've been averaging about one or two workouts a week. this is not making me skinnier or stronger. I've been eating and drinking pretty much everything I can get my paws on. This is also not leaning me out. Blah. Just writing is making me feel like a short fat average 30 year old headed for a mid-life crisis garnished with a cardiovascular stint♥.

On a brighter note, I've proven that my family can survive in a 62 degree environment. Hopefully the next 300 gallons of propane will last more than 1 month.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

c said...

Hyuck... who doesn't go through 300 gallons of propane/mo.? And i like your use of "garnished" there. It makes you sound like a glass-is-half-full kind o' guy.

And having worked around just about every average thirty year old on earth, i can say that none of 'em have a supra-300 lb. raw bench.

(we all use bench shirts. i, for one, favor bottle jacks under me elbows; but it puts a devilish proper bind on m' ulnas.)