Sunday, February 17, 2008

2008 Texas Strongman

This was one of the coolest things I've ever done. I am so hooked its ridiculous. I've never been so beat up and sore in all my life. That is one fun sport! The competition was amazing. There were some really good athletes and everyone was super cool. You'd be strategizing the best was to carry a loaded keg with the guys you're trying to beat. there was also a huge crowd of spectators that kept the energy super high and positive. This was exactly what I needed to pull me outta the slump I've been in since the first of the year. I got my arse kicked severely, but I didn't come in dead last either. Did well on some of the stuff I was really scared of, and sucked on the things I thought I had a handle on. Crazy sport. I know what I need to be working on now. I'm gonna hit strongman head on and never look back. The cool thing is, the guys that won it weren't that much stronger than me. They had their technique down for sure. I really think within a year, I could be placing in the top three. Awesome weekend!

1 comment:

c said...

Ha! Most phat. That looks real cool. Wish i could'a been there.