I find it amusing that for all the times I've been greatful to have steady workout partners here, now that I'm basically training alone again, I'm making some of the best progress. I suppose it would be helpful to have a partner that was in it for the same reason I am. But for now, I'm really pumped about the prospect of my own garage gym.
Bench (raw)
worked up to 315 for three singles.
Rack lockouts
315 x 4
365 x 2
385 x 1
405 x 1
405 x 1 (very happy about this one. couldn't move it the last time I tried)
some heavy back work
1 comment:
exxxxcellent. i always do my best work alone. Course, i've never had anything that even smelled like a serious partner, so i'm a bad one to get an opinion from. Sounds like you might just hit the 400 mark in the not so distant future. That is much weight brutha.
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