I've been a little off this week, honestly. I have done exactly nothing. Nuh. Thang. I'm six weeks out from a ten mile obstacle course and I can't remember the last time I ran. Two weekends ago I hurt my knee playing football with the high school kids from church. Two nights ago I re-hurt the same knee playing volleyball at the church. Something tells me that church athletics are a bit heavy for me. Last time I touched iron was Friday night. I did bench and worked up to 335 for 3. It went, but it was about all I had. If I recall I was pretty hungry. I told Meg this morning that I was going to workout or croak. At the moment I think I would take the latter. My head is just not in it at all with this impending career change and about a billion other things I feel like I need to get done in the next week. I've been drinking nothing toxic for quite some time now. I suppose that could be considered not unhealthy. And my right knee is swollen like a dead rhinoceros.
On a brighter note, we got to participate in the Love Notes marriage conference this past weekend. Ryan Dalgliesh (http://higherrock.org/) is quickly becoming one of my favorite "preachers". He has an amazing passion and understanding of scripture. If you ever get a chance to hear him speak, make it happen. OK, then. Hope everyone has a bright shiny Valentines Day!
i've been a li'l out-of-order m'self. Don't let it get you down. Those're some good changes, and sometimes you have to submit to the down time to ride the wave. Not gunna lose any real muzzle-velocity from the guns in two weeks. i mean, i like running, and i haven't run in nigh on 6 months. The thought of running right now makes me tear up a li'l. Not imbibing the poisons is definitely huge. Hang in there. Suck it up at the tough mudder, and you'll be inspired to get back in the ring. :)
thanks for the pep talk! sometimes I need it.
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