Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tryptophan Day

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday.  I shall list a few reasons why.
  1. There is no expectation to buy presents for anyone.
  2. You can eat a like a man beast and feel OK about it.
  3. Noone complains when you take the time to make real mashed potatoes.
  4. Noone complains when you put real butter all up in those real mashed taters.
I ate until I had the food sweats today.  And, best of all, I have no guilt about it whatsoever.  I beleive the meal actually made me a stronger man.   Speaking of which, here's a recap of the last couple of days efforts:

Wed night:
Bench press:  WU x a bunch, 3 x 300, 3 x 315, 3 x 335.  I wanted to nail five with 335, but I had no spotter and bench sucks right now.  I'm just out of practice and waisted a bunch of energy setting up.
Flat DB bench: 85's x 10, 95's x 7, 95's x 5.
DB rows: 95 x 10 x 3  This nearly made me vomitous.

Thurs morning: Bryant joined me at seven this morning for a strongman/cardio session. Bryant seemed to think it was mostly a cakewalk for infant girls.  I'm still trying to catch my breath.

Sloshpipe for two laps around the circle drive
Two 75 second intervals flipping the tire. 2.5 min rest between.
200' sled drags @ 45lbs, 90lbs, 135, 180, 205, 230
I asked B if he wanted to do some hand-over-hand sled pulls with the thick rope, but he said he wasn't getting much out of this, so he opted to go start his Thanksgiving festivities.  Or something like that.  I didn't argue.

1 comment:

c said...

So he remodels yer plumbing with a trencher, then won't even do penance. Wow.

Ah well, it was a holiday. Good workout, bro. You lost me at the first 300lb bench. And amen to the turkey gluttony.