Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Wierd workout yesterday.  I'm not sure why.  I just didn't really want to be there, and yet I somehow wanted to be there rather than any other place in the world.  It made for a disorganized but fun session.
Standing Millitaries: 5 x 150, 5 x 160, 5 x 170.  Boring but clean.
100lbs pullup.  Yeah.  It didn't happen, but I put in a valliant effort at a 221lbs bodyweight.
BW x 6
BW x 6
25lbs x 4
50lbs x 2
75lbs x 1
100lbs x 1/2  And I yelled really loud so it seemed much cooler than it actually was.  I figure if I can drop about one  stone of lard and get a lot stronger then I can do it.
I did som latteral DB raises and some side bends as well.
This morning I pulled the sled with a 45lbs plate to the highway and back.  Nice little spot of cardio.  It's finally getting cold around this place.  I love doing cardio on cold mornings.


c said...

321lbs. is nearly 1/6 of a ton. ;)

How long has it been since last you did a pullup? Don't remember seeing any posted up in the memorable past. That's perty impressive for the yearly pulling session.

Pappa G said...

Actually, I do pullups nearly every workout. I do them to warm up for squats and pretty much everything else. I still can't do a lot at one time, but I never really work the endurance thing. I just kind of superset 6 to 8 sets of six pullups with any given exercise.

c said...

Ah. Ok. Well a good pull anyhow. You on yer way home today?