Monday, August 2, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Got that stupid Houston trip out of the way. Still haven't fully recovered from that nonsense. I came back with some kind of smog induced sinus infection that still has me hacking up a lung. Let's see here...I did bench last sunday, flew to houston on Monday and got back late Thursday. Felt like dog crap on Friday. Saturday I made up for Wed and Friday by doing back to back Squat and Military. That was very dehydrating.

385 x 3
400 x 3
425 x 5
235 x 10 x 5

140 x 5
160 x 3
185 x 4
95 x 10 x 5

Pull ups and stuff...

OK. Well that was a long sweaty session.
I just got off the phone a little while ago with my cyclist buddy here in town. He's wanting to get into triathlon and was asking me for advise. How funny is that? Anyway, the guy has really got me jones'n to get another bike. I know as well as anyone, I desperately need to get some cardio. I loath running. The thought of pounding out some miles on a bike puts me in a happy place. The thought of being seen in full body spandex removes me from that happy place. :)

Add on:
This morning on the way to work, I witnessed a big fat guy mowing his lawn in a speedo and tennis shoes. Funniest/disturbingest thing I've ever witnessed. Had to make the block so Chase could try to get a picture. Gave me an eye tic.


c said...

Dude, that's funny!

What else is funny is that you've gone through more bikes in the last decade than anyone i've ever seen, and then you sell 'em three months later. i'm afraid to get on mine cuz it's gonna fall apart. But you oughta get you one. Get something comfy and do some triathlon. That'd inspire me. we could plan to do a few together. No serious training, just go and suffer through a few a year for a fun ritual.

Pappa G said...

Oh my! How I would suffer. hey, I think I could compete clidesdale now. Yay!

c said...

me too. Oughrter do one...see who the faster fatboy is. ,-)