wow. I've forgotten what it's like to sleep on two hour shifts through the night. There is a good reason God makes them very cute when they're new. All is well, though. It even snowed today, which brought back memories of a better place to be. I remember when I lived in a house with a working heater. Ah, the good ol' days. Oh well. The gas heater in the gym works, and that's what really matters!
390 x 5
445 x 3
490 x 1
So, the heaviest squat I've done was 505 in competition wearing a squat suit and knee wraps. I'm pretty sure I can beat that now without the gear. I'm really starting to enjoy squatting more than I ever have. Always in the past, my low back was the weak link. I knew I could push a ton with my legs, but I would bow my back and fold every time I loaded the bar up. Which made me really nervous about pushing my squat weight. Interestingly, I've increased my volume of heavy dead lift work over the last year which has apparently strengthened my back at least to the point of supporting what my legs will push. It's pretty cool to feel it all coming together.
I'll get some Kellan pics up soon.
Dude. Just in the nick o' time. i was getting on here to have a li'l rant. i mean, what? you have a newborn and that means you don't have to get on the computer and screw around anymore? i don't think so.
anyhow, i look forward to the pics. the ones i've seen so far make him look like a socially acceptable, upright citizen.
For our part, i'm nervous to puking about my interview, and i have three tests between now and then. 'Preciate the prayers. i'm praying for you. The sleep (as you know) will come again; only be diligent with the beatings.
So. Bout five days till the interview, eh? We'll be praying. You gonna wear a tie, or what? Heheehe..
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