Well, someday. At the present I'm just trying to find the wherewithal to drag myself into the gym three times a week. Meg is way pregnant and can't seem to get over this heinous sinus/cold thingy. She's miserable and fairly bitter that she can't beg any help out of those that should be most likely to pitch in. So, I'm trying to take over as much as possible when I get home. I'm just getting tired and I don't really see it calming down after the baby is born. Oh well, I shouldn't complain. I can't imagine anything else worth working overtime on. Besides, I've got the makings of a decent little clan.
Incline bench:
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5
BW x 20,18,12
EZ bar curls:
70 x 5
90 x 5
110 x 5
130 x 5
150 x 5 (took a spot on the last rep)
DB rows:
55 x 10 x 3
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