Wednesday, November 25, 2009



420 x 3

445 x 3

470 x 4

'm getting there... wherever that is.

We go to the hospital at 10pm tomorrow to prep for project "baby blast".

Monday, November 23, 2009

News Flash

Ok. So they admitted Meg to the hospital for an overnight observation due to high BP in her non stress test this morning. I'm at home packing bags. If I were a gambling man, I would put money on our doc wanting to go ahead and induce tomorrow morning unless she goes into active labor tonight (which appears to be a possibility at the moment).

Got my workout in while i had the chance.

Bench press:
305 x 3
325 x 3
345 x 3

stitched up a bilateral hernia and headed for town.

prayers, please. could be a long night.


Well, we're on the final countdown to baby town. Friday is the day, if the thing doens't decide to pop out sooner. I'm getting pretty excited, though. I'm ready to see what this little guy looks like. Not to mention, I'd like to see his mother sans the beachball under her shirt.

420 x 3
445 x 3
470 x 3

2 x 1

This is getting rediculous.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boring Title

Made up Monday's session yesterday. Really more of a demon purging than a real workout.

390 x 5
420 x 5
445 x 5

Pull Thrus:
heavy bands x 15 x 3

situps: BW x 25 x 3

I've lately been dreaming of doing a powerlifting meet in the next few month. I'll probably have to go at it unequipped because I can't afford to buy new gear for my sizable arse. tonight we're going to squeeze bryant into one of my old bench shirts and have some fun planning an attack for a meet. I'll start posting updates when I pick a meet.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I was convinced that yesterday was squat day when in fact it was deadlift day. I was so convinced that I didn't bother to look at the header on the workout and just started calling weight. So, I squated my deadlift weights. I thought it sucked worse than ususal, but I guess in the end it was a bit encouraging to know my squats are getting stronger.

390 x 5
420 x 5
445 x 5

Speed Skater squats:
70lbs x 6 x 3

Ab roller: 15 x 3

I'm pretty beat up this morning. Good stuff.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gonna put up some HUGE numbers!

Well, someday. At the present I'm just trying to find the wherewithal to drag myself into the gym three times a week. Meg is way pregnant and can't seem to get over this heinous sinus/cold thingy. She's miserable and fairly bitter that she can't beg any help out of those that should be most likely to pitch in. So, I'm trying to take over as much as possible when I get home. I'm just getting tired and I don't really see it calming down after the baby is born. Oh well, I shouldn't complain. I can't imagine anything else worth working overtime on. Besides, I've got the makings of a decent little clan.

Incline bench:
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5

BW x 20,18,12

EZ bar curls:
70 x 5
90 x 5
110 x 5
130 x 5
150 x 5 (took a spot on the last rep)

DB rows:
55 x 10 x 3

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So. this week is supposed to be a deload and rest week, but considering how crappy this cycle is, I'm gonna go ahead and hammer the hell out of it. Last night I made up for missing two workouts last week. here's a quick recap:
squats: 360 x 5, 410 x 3, 460 x 2

Deadlift: 385 x 5, 435 x 3, 485 x 1
Bench: 285 x 5, 320 x 3, 365 x 1
Nothing mind blowing, but a heck of a lot more fun than walking on a treadmill. I'm gonna spend the rest of the week dragging the sled, flipping tires,...that kind of thing. New cycle starts next week. And since I've got it all available now, I'm going to start implementing more strongman stuff in our regular workouts. For example, after doing squats we'll do heavy sled drags instead of lunges for accessory work. I would like to integrate more cardio work into the program and I think this is the only way I can stomach it.

Meg woke up this morning feeling pretty bad. Her blood pressure metered in at 150/103. So she and Brody are hanging out at the inlaws today, chillin. Need to keep that baby cooking for about four more weeks, but I think she's pretty much ready to be not pregnant. Oh, and Brody has the flu. It would be great to have some prayers kicked up for everyone's health around here.