Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Rather than post the same comments to both of your bloggies, I'll just plop it up here. We're back from the island. It was a much needed blasty-blast. Now i'm in Houston. Hooray. Got to spend a whopping five minutes with my kids before an exec started whining. Now I'm here. Blake's actually getting old enough to get pissed when I leave. That sucks. I like those kids. Sure hope this crap pays off for em'. Hmmm....just realized that I'm speaking in short phrases. I suppose that's what vodka and Squirt(tm) will do for you.
I did, however, find an artist to do the tat work I've been scheming up here in houston. I've found many great artists that could do the job, but it takes time to do it right and I'm here more than anywhere else. Should be nice. (Cody, we should still go check out the place in al-b-q to get some ink in ya. That place was my first choice, just didn't know when I'd ever have the time.) Check out http://superchangotattoo.com/wp/ Pruett is the guy that is working on mine. Said it would take a while to put together. Guess I'll be having several sessions every time I come to a board meeting. Should pass the time.
Blah, blah, blah...I'm out of steam.


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