The 365lb bench beat me down again. I just didn't have my head in it this morning. Oh well. Next week.
I bought another four hundred pounds of plates to keep at my house. That'll get me kicked off with my strong man training. Heavy sled work, farmers walk, and the log press will all be covered now. I still need a heavier tire.
A stange thing happened at the concert this weekend. Logan Martin, the body builder kid that everyone used to somehow mistake me for, was working security with us this year. At some point in the morning he happened to be taking a crap in the stall opposite mine. I hear a shout across the bathroom, "Hey Glenn, you ever get a chance to do a strongman comp?". I thought this was a bit of a breech in etiquite, as everyone knows that men do not speak to each other in the bathroom, but I answered, "Yes I did. It was a blastee-blast." This was apparently the ammunition he needed to destroy all men's room policy. He dove right off into a conversation about how he and a group of friends were wanting to get involved in the sport but had nowhere to train and nothing to train with. "I just happen to have a solution to both of those problesms", says I. So, to make a short story as short as possible, we're supposed to be puting together a small group to train once a week and go to the next comp together. Should be fun if we can make it work.
coo'. That'll be some motivation to get yer girly squat back up to man status.
And speaking of breaches in b.r. etiquette, i took the ol' Cardiosport onto the throne with me recently. Just wondered what'd happen with the ticker as i inserted a SEAL team. Turned out i dropped to 54 bpm. There's a tribute to fiber for you.
i am sitting here laughing my a$$ off at your comment. At this very moment, I wish you could see the very look on sandy's face. It's all curled up and her response was, "ugh... guys are wierd."
Yes we are. HOORAY for the penis!! Im proud of your doodie. We will have to share scat stories when we do the Dr Natura potion!!
Snort. i think it's my purpose on earth to make other guys' chicks appreciate their men more, and to say to themselves, "Wow. Look how bad it could be." HA ha! Anyhow, i'm pretty sure it wasn't a vagal response; just boredom, Thai food, and the crazy feng shui i got going on in the newly renovated w.c. ;)
(C'mon Sandy, you know you wonder what yer EKG's doing when you're poopin'.)
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