Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Everyone looks tough in a kilt

Seriously, though. If I'm going to entertain the idea of climbing my big outta shape butt up a cliff, you guys are gonna have to kilt up and do a highlands games comp with me. It's all throwing events. Not much real weight involved. I think you have to be drunk to compete. I'll check into that one...


R6Medic said...

dude, i typed in highland games, tx, and all the sites came up. Apparantly there is a comp in dallas, houston, and in san antonio all next year. That would be fun as all heck fire. But you know that i'm swedish... is that cool if I go to a highland game?? there aren't any ill feelings between scots and sweeds right??

c said...

Aye, an's there some rule against wearin' skivvies in one's kilt? Doesn't matter; i'm in.

Pappa G said...

Sweet! Check out this site: http://www.nasgaweb.com/getstart.asp

c said...

i click on yer site to see if there's something new, and i'm staring each time at an anonymous man's balls.

Pappa G said...

quit staring at people's balls.