Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Walking with nowhere to go

I've been walking on a treadmill for the past two days. I've got a meet this weekend, so I'm done lifting for the week (Actually, I got bored on the treadmill this morning and ended up doing a ton of pullups and curls this morning, but that doesn't count). The funny thing is, I have no idea why I'm getting up in the morning to go walk on a treadmill. Just seamed like the thing to do. I thought, originally, that I'd drop about six pounds in a week and compete at 198lbs. But then I thought to myself, "Why? I want to compete in the 220 class. I'm not actually doing this meet to break any personal records (or any other records). I'm doing it to get my head back in the game for the next year." I'm not even going to gear up. Gonna lift raw just because it takes the least amount of effort and planning. Why the heck should I care what I weigh, eh? I don't exactly expect to be a crowd pleaser. In fact, if I break a 1200 total I'll be not unhappy. My solitary goal will be to pull 465 raw. Last March I got redlighted at 465 in a suit. This time I want to pull it clean with no gear. I know I'm strong enough. I just don't know if my head is in the right place, but then, I suppose that's the whole point of me doing this meet. Should be interesting.

You guys should come to Amarillo this weekend. Saturday night could be a good time. Unfortunately, my clan wont be joining me, but it could still be fun.

1 comment:

c said...

i'd almost definitely be there, 'cept i'm already committed to go to the company Christmas party. Kinda wish i hadn't now, but i didn't know yer gig was this weekend. Ma and Pa Grape have been puttin' the hurt on us to come too. At any rate, i haope you get yer goal. i'm gonna start lifting now for a while. And it's gonna be real bad. See if i can bench 135. But i need to get my legs back for snowboarding in a month. Happy. :)