Monday, August 6, 2007


OK, Ok, now I'm recommited. Seriously. I wish I could've found a way to make it to Albq, but instead I stayed here and destroyed myself. Went to a party Saturday and drank 357 beers and two shots of cheap whisky. Needless to say, I didn't eat much on Sunday, which made me noticeably weaker today. I did manage to work up to a set of 6 with 285 on the bench press and then work back down to a set of 10 at 185. It was good to make it through it, but it sucked the wind of me for the rest of the workout. Haveing only consumed around a thousand calories yesterday, I had no enudrance today. Go figure.


c said...

i'm plumbing.

c said...

So guess what kinda workout i'm getting in.

Go ahead--- guess. :)

Pappa G said...

Howz the drinking (I mean remodeling, of course) coming along? Hope you're keeping some sanity. Hey my 7.7.07 didn't make it quite five years. It did make it five days, however. So I celebrated my show of will power by quaffing the thing. It was lovely.

c said...

Yeah, that's a fine one. After a solid month or 2 of almost total deconditioning, i'm gonna try to start up again. i'm afraid life cannot go on like this for very long. bleh.

c said...

i'm writing again. do come back. i need a cheerleader, and you have experience with that sort of thing.