Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dead bodies everywhere

So the ski trip was inspiring. Or, at least, revealing. I'm a big fat guy. I don't deserve to be on any mountain. Thank goodness for chairlifts, or the whole sport would be out of the question for me. Hike up on a mountain? No, no. I can barely hike my pants up after a challenging poop. I gotta get back in shape and under 200. I've reworked my gym sessions to be more intense and to ad in some cardio when I can't make it outside. Saturdays will be strongman training and more cardio. I'm on day two and already exhausted. This should be fun.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Get down with the sickness

So I decide to work up to a single trap bar deadlift this morning. No idea why. Just seemed like the thing to do. I decided not to count the weight, but to just keep stacking in on until I couldn't lift it anymore. When I was fo shizzle at my max single, I added the weight up. Managed to pick up 480. That's a 15lb PR for me. I'm not so unhappy about that, but I did jack my back a bit. Oh well. Pack some snow on booze on it! Let's go skiing!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I really need to go skiing. (In all honesty, I'd take up riding giant porcupines in my birthday suit if the event took place in the mountains, in snow, and hell-&-gone from Snyder Friggen Texas)

Friday, January 4, 2008


German Volume Training. Dug this up a few days ago. Its a six day cycle that I intend to do for six days. Since I've been doing next to nothing for the last several weeks, I thought this would be a good warmup back into a routine. Made it through day two today. It hurt. The trick, I think, is to not sandbag. I'll keep this one around for an occasional change of pace.

Workout 1:Chest and Back:

A1) Incline D-bells w/ rotation : 10 x 6 - 1 min rest
A2) Wide Grip Chins: 10 x 5 - 2 min rest

B1) Flat Fly's: 3 x 12-15
B2) 1-Arm D-bell Rows: 3 x 8-12

Workout 2: Legs:

A1) Back Squat: 10 x 6 - 1 min rest
A2) Leg Curls: 10 x 6 - 2 min rest

B1) Step Ups: 3 x 12-15 - 1 min rest
B2) Walking Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg (no tempo) - 2 min rest

Workout 3: Arms:

A1) Medium Grip Chins: 10 x 6 - 1 min rest
A2) Skull Crushers: 10 x 6 - 2 min rest

B1) Off Set Curls: 3 x 10 - 1 min rest
B2) Back Supported Triceps Push Downs: 3 x 12 - 2 min rest

Workout 4: Chest and Back:

A1) Flat Bench: 10 x 6 - 1 min rest
A2) Hammer Rows: 10 x 6 - 2 min rest

B1) 1-1/4 Flt's: 3 x 8 - 1 min rest
B2) Seated Rows w/ Rope Handles: 3 x 10 - 2 min rest

Workout 5: Legs:

A1) Hack Squats: 10 x 6 - 1 min rest
A2) Step Ups: 10 x 8 - 2 min rest

B1) Seated Calf Raise: 3 x 12 - 1 min rest
B2) Standing Calf Raise: 3 x 12 - 2 min rest

Workout 6: Arms:

A1) 8+12 Curls w/ Fat Bar: 10 x 8+12 - 1 min rest
A2) Skull Crushers w/ Rope: 10 x 6 - 2 min rest

B1) 1 Arm Hammer Curls: 3 x 8-12 - 1 min rest
B2) JM Press: 3 x 12 - 2 min rest

I haven't a clue what this has to do with Germans.